Wheat grass, barley grass

"Be Your own Doctor" by Ann Wigmore is a comprehensive book on the health giving properties and value of Wheat Grass and we recommend it to all those who are interested in "healing themselves".

Wheat grass, barley grass and / or its juice is a specific food which can assist in fighting a whole range of chronic ailments - from simple anemia to leukemia; from a simple skin rash to skin cancer, from worms to ulcers. It can be chewed slowly or drunk as a juice.

How to grow wheat- or barley grass

Take two - tree handful wheat seed. Look the them over, pick out any, that are cracked, or broken, because such seeds will not sprout and may decay and spoil the rest. Wash them.
Soak adequate quantity of unpolished wheat grain overnight in rain, spring or filtered water in any container.
Keep a few pots (preferably 7 -8 pots,  one to be sown each day of the week) ready with  soil. Do not add any chemicals or fertilizers.
Spread the soaked wheat on the surface of the soil so that the grains are touching one another.
Sprinkle a thin layer of soil on the wheat grains .
Cover the pot with a wet cloth to provide darkness which helps the sprouting..
You can keep the pot in the kitchen, on the balcony, a windowsill or a covered verandah.
Next day uncover the pot and spray on some water and again cover it.
Repeat step everyday until you see green leaves sprouting through the soil. Stop covering the pot as soon as the green leaves appear.
Every day water the pot lightly but adequately depending upon the season and also depending upon the pots used - whether they have holes or not. Beautiful green blades of grass keep growing in height everyday.
As soon as the grass is about 6-8 inches tall ( which usually happens around the 7th to the 9th day from the date of sowing) harvest the grass by cutting with a clean pair of scissors about 1/2" above the surface of the soil.
The harvested wheat grass is now ready to be chewed or juiced, for salad, or stored.
A second round of wheat grass will again grow in about 6 to 7 days with daily watering as before.
After the second harvest from the same pot, remove all the soil in the pot onto a newspaper- breakup all the roots and mix them with the soil. Add a bit of chicken manure to this to rejuvenate the soil.
The soil is now ready for reuse for a fresh sowing of wheat.
Choice of pots

Clay pots with or without holes can be used. However we find plastic basins of about 6 to 8 inches diameter and about 3 inches deep ideal. These can be filled up to 2 1/2 inches with soil. Also trays made from wood or plastic or steel may be used.

How much wheat to sow every day?

For a family of 4 healthy persons, about 100 grams can be sown every day in a new pot or basin so that a continuos supply is available. 7 to 8 pots would ensure a fresh harvest every day of the week.

For a person who is sick the amount of wheat required to be sown everyday is about 50 to 100 grams. Again 7 to 8 pots growing at any given time would ensure one pot maturing for cutting everyday (since it takes about 7 to 8 days to get the harvest).

How to store wheat grass

The wheat grass can be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic container for about 3 days. but the juice must be drunk as soon as juiced or within 1/2 hour of juicing.

How to juice wheat grass

A manual mince maker maybe used or you can use any stone crushing method.

Add a little water while grinding or pounding- strain the juice through a clean cloth into a cup or a glass. Grind again adding water - repeat this process until the remaining grass is almost white. Do not throw the leftover grass. Put it in your plants as manure.

How to use wheat grass

For a healthy person - a good mouthful (fairly well stuffed) and more if you wish, should be taken early morning and chewed until the remaining cud in the mouth is almost white. This can be eaten or thrown out. (Constipated people are advised to eat the cud as it provides roughage for a better bowel movement).
If being taken in juice form, a healthy person can take 1/4 to 1/3 of a glass everyday. but remember that the juice must be drunk immediately on juicing.

For a sick person - 1/4 to 1/2 glass of wheat grass juice is required to start with. If possible this should be spread over 2 to 3 times during the day - the important thing of course being to drink the juice soon after juicing.
The quantity should be gradually increased to about 8 ounces a day (approx. one glass full).

Wheat can be crushed thoroughly and applied externally on Cancers and Ulcers as a poultice.
Wheat grass juice can be used as a rectal implant for cleansing and rejuvenating. Use an enema syringe to implant the juice in the rectum. Try and retain it for 20 minutes.
Wheat grass juice is also effective as an eye bath (using an eye-cup).
How does wheat grass help our system:

Wheat Grass, barley grass is almost like a blood transfusion. It is a wonderful cleanser and rejuvenator which means it helps your body to throw out toxins that have built up over the years and helps it replace old dead cells with new cells. These are the two essential factors that cause disease in our bodies and which wheat grass, barley grass sets right.

In chronic ailments including cancer, there may be an attempt by the body to throw out accumulated toxins which could result in diarrhea or vomiting. Both these conditions are to be welcomed. If this does happen, cut down on the quantity of wheat grass juice being consumed to half and use it diluted. Gradually begin to increase the quantity as the body begins to handle the removal of toxins in a more gentle way.